23 Mei 2023
Flexible living operator Cove raises $4.5M for APAC expansion13 Desember 2024
Your home, your terms. Meet Singapore-founded Cove. They help you find flexible rentals and co-living spaces across APAC. Oh, and they've just raised another $4.5M!
Cove names Ashish Manchharam as advisor, shifts to asset acquisition model12 Desember 2024
Singapore-founded flexible living platform Cove has appointed real estate and hospitality veteran Ashish Manchharam as a board director.
Tech in Asia
Co-living startup Cove taps new board advisor for growth12 Desember 2024
Flexible living startup Cove has named Ashish Manchharam as a board advisor.
Cove offers luxe co-living and expands its regional footprint29 September 2023
Singapore has demonstrated demand for alternative housing like co-living, especially as locals grapple with housing affordability.
Straits Times
More state properties to be used as co-living spaces as SLA awards Little India tender23 Agustus 2023
Building at 79 to 95 Hindoo Road awarded to Eco Energy, which is collaborating with Cove Living.
Cove Mulai Kelola Apartemen dan Hotel di Bandung dan Bali22 Mei 2023
Cove mulai memperluas bisnis layanan hunian sewa ke wilayah Bandung dan Bali.
Cove Hadirkan Kost Premium di JakSel, Solusi Masalah Hunian Milenial6 Agustus 2022
Cove berdedikasi untuk menjadi solusi dan membangun kehidupan sewa fleksibel berbasis teknologi nomor satu di Asia Tenggara.
IDN Times
Cove Sediakan Kosan Premium bak Rumah Sendiri6 Agustus 2022
Cove mendirikan co-living dengan target pasar profesional dan pelajar perkotaan.
Cove Catat Okupansi Hingga 88%5 Agustus 2022
Cove telah memiliki 50 properti yang tersebar di Jakarta, Tangerangn & Depok, dan berencana untuk ekspansi ke Bandung dan Bali.
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